There's a heated debate in Sylvania at a public meeting over pit bulls. More specifically, it's about vicious dog legislation. Some pet owners think the city is barking up the wrong tree.
Capone is a 1-year-old Staffordshire Terrier, and under the proposal he would be labeled a vicious dog. However, his owner says she's not going to let that happen without a fight. She went to the public hearing to make her case.
Under the proposed ordinance, Capone won't be able to play in his front yard without a muzzle, and that's not sitting well with his owners.
"In Ohio, in the last 60 years, there have been 17 deaths from dog bites, from 11 different breeds. Education is the key to preventing dog bites from any dogs," says Capone's owner Jean Keating....
At the Sylvania Vet Clinic's Doggy Daycare, pit bulls play with the rest of the pack and doctor Bob Esplin says breed specific legislation is the wrong way to deal with vicious dogs.
"The worst dog bite I ever had was from a poodle. There can be bad of anything," says Dr. Bob Esplin....
Like Toledo's law, people would only be able to own 1 vicious dog in the city of Sylvania if an ordinance passes. Haynam says it will likely come up for a vote 2 weeks from Monday.
(Full story at link.)
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