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Post Info TOPIC: Dr. Jean Dodd's NEW vaccine protocol

Smitten by Boxers

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Dr. Jean Dodd's NEW vaccine protocol

Dr. W. Jean Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being adopted by ALL 27 NorthAmerican veterinary schools. I highly recommend that
you read this.Copy and save it to your files. Print it and pass it out at dog fairs,cat shows, kennel club meetings, dog parks, give a copy to
yourveterinarian and groomer, etc., etc.*
Get the word out.


*I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary schools in NorthAmerica are in the process of changing their protocols for vaccinating
dogs and cats.  Some of this information will present an ethical &economic challenge to vets, and there will be skeptics.

Some organizations have come up with a political compromise suggestingvaccinations every 3 years to appease those who fear loss of income vs.
those concerned about potential side effects. Politics, traditions, orthe doctor's economic well being should not be a factor in medical decision.


"Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6 months. If a modifiedlive virus vaccine is given after 6 months of age, it produces animmunity which is good for the life of the pet (ie: canine distemper,parvo, feline distemper). If another MLV vaccine is given a year later,the antibodies from the first vaccine neutralize the antigens of thesecond vaccine and there is little or no effect.  The titer is not"boosted" nor are more memory cells induced." Not only are annual
boosters for parvo and distemper unnecessary, they subject the pet topotential risks of allergic reactions and immune-mediated hemolyticanemia.  "There is no scientific documentation to back up label claimsfor annual administration of MLV vaccines." Puppies receive antibodiesthrough their mothers milk. This natural protection can last 8-14weeks. Puppies & kittens should NOT be vaccinated at LESS than 8weeks. Maternal immunity will neutralize the vaccine and
littleprotection (0-38%) will be produced. Vaccination at 6 weeks will,however, delay the timing of the first highly effective vaccine.Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart suppress rather than stimulate theimmune system. A series of vaccinations is given starting at 8 weeksand given 3-4 weeks apart up to 16 weeks of age.Anothervaccination given sometime after 6 months of age (usually at 1 year 4mo) will provide lifetime immunity.

Distemper & Parvo *  "According to Dr. Schultz, AVMA, 8-15-95, when a vaccinationsseries given at 2, 3 & 4 months and again at 1 year with a
MLV, puppiesand kitten program memory cells that survive for life,providing lifelong immunity." Dr. Carmichael at Cornell and Dr. Schultz
have studies showing immunity against challenge at 2-10 years forcanine distemper & 4 years for parvovirus. Studies for longer durationare pending. "There are no new strains of parvovirus as one mfg.would like to suggest. Parvovirus vaccination provides cross immunityfor all types." Hepatitis (Adenovirus) is one of the agents known tobe a cause of kennel cough. Only vaccines with CAV-2 should be used asCAV-1 vaccines carry the risk of "hepatitis blue-eye" reactions &
kidney damage.**Bordetella Parainfluenza: Commonly called "Kennel cough" Recommendedonly for those dogs boarded, groomed, taken to dog shows, or for anyreason housed where exposed to a lot of dogs. The intranasal vaccineprovides more complete and more rapid onset of immunity with less chance
of reaction. Immunity requires 72 hours and does not protect from everycause of kennel cough. Immunity is of short duration (4 to 6 months).*

*RABIES  There have been no reported cases of rabid dogs or cats inHarris, Montogomery or Ft. Bend Counties [Texas], there have beenrabid skunks and bats so the potential exists. / It is a killed vaccineand must be given every year./*//

*Lyme disease_is a tick born disease which can cause lameness,kidney failure and heart disease in dogs. Ticks can also transmit the disease to humans. The
original  Ft. Dodge killed bacteria hasproven to be the most effective vaccine. Lyme disease preventionshould emphasize early removal of ticks. Amitraz collars are moreeffective than Top Spot, as amitraz paralyzes the tick's mouthparts preventing transmission of disease.


Multiple components in vaccines compete with each other for the immunesystem and result in lesser immunity for each individual disease as well
as increasing the risk of a reaction. Canine Corona Virus is only adisease of puppies. It is rare, self limiting (dogs get well in 3 dayswithout treatment). Cornell & Texas A&M have only diagnosed one caseeach in the last 7 years. Corona virus does not cause disease in adultdogs.*

*Leptospirosis  vaccine is a common cause of adverse reactions in dogs.Most of the clinical cases of lepto reported in dogs in the US arecaused by serovaars (or types) grippotyphosa and bratsilvia. Thevaccines contain different serovaars eanicola andictohemorrhagica. Cross protection is not provided and protection
is short lived. Lepto vaccine is immuno-supressive to puppies lessthan 16 weeks.

Feline vaccine related Fibrosarcoma is a type of terminalcancer related in inflammation caused by rabies & leukemia vaccines.This cancer is thought to affect 1 in 10,000 cats vaccinated. Vaccineswith aluminum adjuvant, an ingredient included to stimulate the immunesystem, have been implicated as a higher risk. We now
recommend anon-adjuvanted rabies vaccine for cats. Testing by Dr. Macy, ColoradoState, has shown this vaccine to have the lowest tissue reaction and
although there is no guarantee that a vaccine induced sarcoma will notdevelop, the risk will be much lower than with other vaccines.*

*Program injectable 6 mo flea prevention for cats has been shown to bevery tissue reactive & therefore has the potential of inducingan injection site fiborsarcoma. If your cats develops a lump at the siteof a vaccination, we recommend that it be removed ASAP, within 3-12 weeks.*

*Feline Leukemia Virus Vaccine  This virus is the leading viral killer of cats. The individuals most atrisk of infection are young outdoor cats, indoor/outdoor cats and catsexposed to such individuals. Indoor only cats with no exposure topotentially infected cats are unlikely to become infected. All catsshould be tested prior to vaccination. /Cats over one year of age arenaturally immune to Fel.V whether they are vaccinated or not, so annualvaccination of adult cats is NOT necessary.  The incubation period ofFeline leukemia can be over 3 years, so if your cat is in the incubationstate of the disease prior to vaccination,the vaccine will not
prevent the disease. *

/Feline Panleukopenia Virus Vaccine.  Also called feline distemper is a highly contagious and deadlyviral disease of kittens. It's extremely hardy and is resistant
to extremes in temperature and to most available disinfectants.Although an effective treatment protocol is available, it is expensiveto treat because of the serious nature of the disease and the continuedpresence of virus in the environment, vaccination is highly recommendedfor all kittens. Cats vaccinated at 6 month or older
with either killedor MLV vaccine will produce an immunity good for life. Adult cats doNOT need this vaccine./*

*/Feline Calicivirus/ Herpesvirus Vaccine.  Responsible for 80-90% of infectious feline upper respiratorytract diseases.  The currently available injectable vaccines willminimize the severity of upper respiratory infections, although nonewill prevent disease in all situations.*  *Intranasal vaccines are more effective at preventing the diseaseentirely. Don't worry about normal sneezing for a couple of days.Because intranasal vaccines produce an immunity of shorter durations,
annual vaccination is recommended.

Chlamydia or pneumonitis. The vaccine produces on a short (2 month)duration of immunity and accounts for less than 5% of upper respiratoryinfections in cats. The risks outweigh the benefits.*
*Feline Infectious Peritonitis.  A controversial vaccine. Most kittens that contract FIP becomeinfected during the first 3 months of life. The vaccine is labeled foruse at 16 weeks. All 27 vet schools do not recommend the vaccine.*

Bordetella  A new vaccine for feline bordetella has been introduced. Dr. Wolfe ofTexas A&M says that bordetella is a normal flora and does not cause
disease in adult cats. Dr. Lappin of Colorado State says that a  reviewof the Colorado State medicalrecords reveals not one case diagnosed in 10 years.

NEW DEVELOPMENTSGiardia is the most common intestinal parasite of humans inNorth America, 30% or more of all dogs & cats are infected with
giardia. It has now been demonstrated that humans can transmit giardiato dogs & cats & vice versa. *

Heartworm preventative must be given year-round in Houston.

*VACCINES BADLY NEEDEDNew vaccines in development include:Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and cat scratch fever vaccine for cats and
Ehrlichia [one of the other tick diseases, much worse than Lymes] for dogs.

Most vets recommend annual boosters and most kennel operators requirethem. For years the pricing structure of vets has misled clients intothinking that the inherent value of an annual office visit was in the"shots" they failed to emphasize the importance of a physical exam forearly detection of treatable diseases. It is my hope that you willcontinue to require rabies & Kennel cough and emphasize the importanceof a recent vet exam. I also hope you will accept the new protocols and
honor these pets as currently vaccinated. Those in the boarding businesswho will honor the new vaccine protocols can gain new customers who were
turned away from vet owned boarding facilities reluctant to change.

Dogs & cats no longer need to be vaccinated against distemper, parvo, &feline leukemia every year. Once the initial series of puppy or kittenvaccinations and first annual vaccinations are completed, immunity fromMLV vaccines persists for life. It has been shown that cats over 1 yearof age are immune to Feline Leukemia whether they have been vaccinatedor not.  Imagine the money you will save, not to mention less risks from sideeffects. PCR rabies vaccine, because it is not adjuvanted, will meanless risk of mediated hemolytic anemia and allergic reactions arereduced by less frequent use of vaccines as well as by avoidingunnecessary vaccines such as K-9 Corona virus and chlamydia for cats, aswell as ineffective vaccines such as Leptospirosis and FIP.Intranasal vaccine for Rhiotracheitis and Calici virus, two upperrespiratory viruses of cats provide more complete protection thaninjectable vaccines with less risk of serious reactions.

The AAHA and all 27 veterinary schools of North America are our biggestendorsement for these new protocols.*

*Dr. Bob Rogers*  Please consider as current on all vaccinations for boarding purposes.

DOGS Initial series of puppy vaccines
1. distemper, hepatitis, parvo, parinfluenze - 3 sets one month apartconcluding at 16 weeks of age.*
2. Rabies at 16 weeks of age (later is better)
3. Bordetella within last 4-6 months First annual (usually at 1 year and4 months of age)*
1. DHP, Parvo, Rabies
2. Bordetella within last 4-6 months 2 years or older
1. Rabies with in last year
2. Bordetella within last 4-6 months
3. DHP & Parvo given anytime over 6 months of age , but not necessarilywithin the last year.
Recommended:  Physical exam for transmissible diseases and health risks.

*CATS Initial kitten series
1. Distemper [PLP], Rhino Calicivirus,Feline Leukemia Vaccine - 3 sets given one month apart concluding at 16weeks.
2. Rabies at 16 weeks
First Annual [usually at 1 year and 4 months of age]
1. Distemper (PLP), Rhino Calicivirus, Rabies2 years or older
1. Rabies within the last year
2. Rhino Calicivirus within last year
3. Distemper and FelV given anytime after 6 months of age, but notnecessarily with the last year.
Recommended: Physical exam, FeLV/FIV testing, fecal exam for giardia.

  Christina Ghimenti
PawPrint Boxers


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Posts: 144

Thanks for the info! I am always leary of all the vacinations that the vets want to give. This article gives a much clearer and needed discripition.

Marian DeNio

Smitten by Boxers

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Posts: 1272

Vet have given vaccinations based on prior years' research. And I understand the need. It has taken many years to see the long term effects and hazards some of these present. It is always a learning experience as well as a balancing act :)

  Christina Ghimenti
PawPrint Boxers

I Can't Stop Typing

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Posts: 263

Christina, thank you for giving us this new information. I have felt all along that we were over vaccinating. It's been an argument all along with my vets, for years. Hopefully vets will all accept this new protocol fairly soon and get away from the old idea of yearly vaccinations!

Phylis Snyder
Home of
Posey & Justin


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Posts: 632

Thank goodness that the Veterinary Schools are accepting this protocol.
I've been following this protocol with Tanner and Zammi and now Pilot.


Red Rocks Zam I Am (Zammi) CD, RE, CGC
Dusty Road's Walk'in on Air (Pilot) RN, CGC
U-CH/CH Naughty DeNevi at Red Rocks RN, CGC
Forever in my heart"
Red Rocks RIMPAC Warrior (Tanner) CD, RE, CGC
Tanner, Zammi, Pilot & Denee
Red Rocks Boxers

All Grown Up

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Posts: 61

Not to play devils advocat ;oP But I have recently been to 2 lectures on vaccinations by 2 different vet schools and I have a friend attending a different vet school and none of the 3 use that protocol. Yes, vet schools are going to extended vaccine protocols but as far as I know only as long at the vaccine manufacturers have the vaccine labled for ie 3 yrs. I have also gone to some legal talks on vaccinations, and basically, if you vaccinate like the vaccines are labled and the patient gets sick, the vaccine companies and AVMA with back you up, but if you do the booster at one year, and then never vaccinate again, if the dog gets parvo and the owner sues, then you are going to lose. So basically, vets have no problem with extended protocols, but many have problems with the "never again" rule.

Me personally, I do believe that vaccines last longer than we know, and can't wait for the actual studies to back it up, but the last studies I saw, yes, many animals are protected for several years, but there is a significant amount that the immunity drops off after a couple of years. Those are the animals wer are trying to catch with extened protocols. Now you are thinking, what about titers? The problem with titers, 1)we don't know exacly what the numbers mean, number that protect in one animal may not protect in others 2)Titers are only good for the day your draw them. They could be completely different the next day leaving your pet unprotected for the next year.

I will see if I can find the numbers on the lastest immunity lecture went too. I'm sure I still have them, the question is, where.

Oh and to throw one more wrench in the system, some animals are non-responders and no matter how many times that animal is vaccinated, it will never get immunity and could come down with any of these diseases even if fully vaccinated. The kicker, there is no way to tell. Scary isn't it. Too many unknowns in medicine, it makes my head spin LOL




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Thanks for the input Doc. We also use an extended protocol. Going 2 or 3 years between vaccines in adult animals unless they have high risk of exposure. And of course the "baby" diseases such as corona virus we only vaccinate puppies for. Basically, I think a case by case protocol is the very best. Lepto causes a significant amount of vaccine reaction in dogs, especially Boxers. Most dogs probably don't need a lepto vaccine because they don't live anywhere near farms or ranches. Indoor cats don't need a feline leukemia vaccine because they hav enno exposure... so, case by case is the best, IMO.

-- Edited by BoxerSue at 01:39, 2008-04-27

-- Edited by BoxerSue at 01:40, 2008-04-27

Susan **Boxers... not just dogs, they're an adventure!
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